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EmoEx Disclaimer & User Agreement

1. Introduction and Purpose

1.1 Welcome to EmoEx
EmoEx ("The Platform") is developed to support individuals on their journey to enhance emotional and physical well-being. The Platform leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to provide interactive experiences with AI-driven characters, including representations modelled on professional expertise, aimed at fostering self-awareness, emotional growth, and wellness insights.


1.2 Purpose of EmoEx
The primary purpose of EmoEx is to act as an adjunctive resource that complements but does not replace, the professional advice and treatment provided by licensed healthcare practitioners. The Platform offers an innovative way for users to engage with content related to emotional and physical well-being in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. It is important to note that EmoEx is not equipped to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical, psychological, or emotional conditions.


1.3 Acknowledgement by Users
By accessing and using EmoEx, users acknowledge that they understand the Platform is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological care. Users are encouraged to consult with qualified health professionals regarding any serious or complex health concerns. Engagement with EmoEx’s AI-driven characters, including those based on professional personas, should be viewed as a supplementary tool for well-being, not a primary source of health advice or treatment.


1.4 User Agreement
Your use of EmoEx constitutes agreement to this Disclaimer and User Agreement, including the understanding that the Platform serves as a supplementary tool for well-being. You agree that reliance on any information or interactions provided by EmoEx is strictly at your own risk.


2. Scope of Guidance

2.1 Non-Clinical Advice
EmoEx provides interaction and content generated by AI, including feedback and insights from characters designed to simulate professional personas. It's crucial to understand that these interactions do not constitute clinical, medical, psychological, or any other form of professional advice. The Platform's content is designed for informational and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as professional guidance.


2.2 Limitations of AI Interactions
While EmoEx utilises advanced AI to simulate conversations with professional characters, these interactions are based on predefined algorithms and do not replicate the nuanced judgment or expertise of licensed professionals. Users should consider advice from EmoEx's professional characters as general guidance, akin to that of an informed friend, rather than a substitute for professional consultation.


2.3 Decision-Making and Personal Judgment
Users are encouraged to use their discretion and personal judgment in applying any insights or advice obtained from EmoEx. Decisions about your health, including mental and physical well-being, should be made in consultation with qualified healthcare professionals. EmoEx is not responsible for decisions taken without professional oversight.


2.4 Recommendations for Professional Help
EmoEx recommends seeking direct professional assistance for any serious, urgent, or complex health issues. The Platform is not designed to address or respond to emergency situations. In cases of immediate need, users should contact appropriate emergency services or healthcare providers.


3. Limitations of Liability and User Responsibility

3.1 Acknowledgement of Risks
By using EmoEx, users acknowledge that all interactions and engagements with the Platform, including those with AI-driven professional characters, carry inherent limitations. Users understand that reliance on any information provided by EmoEx is solely at their own risk.

3.2 Exclusion of Liability
EmoEx, its creators, affiliates, and partners expressly disclaim any liability for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including personal injury or distress, arising from or in connection with the use of the Platform or reliance on its content. This exclusion applies to all content and services provided by EmoEx, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), liability, or otherwise.

3.3 User Responsibility
Users are responsible for discerning the applicability and relevance of the content and interactions provided by EmoEx to their personal situations. Users agree to not solely rely on EmoEx for making health-related decisions and to seek professional advice when necessary. It is the user’s responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of any opinions, advice, services, or other information provided through the Platform.

3.4 Indemnification
Users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless EmoEx, its holding company, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of this agreement or any activity related to the user’s account (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by the user or any other person accessing the Platform using the user’s account.

4. Rights Reserved and Governing Law

4.1 Platform Rights and Modifications
EmoEx reserves the right to alter, amend, or discontinue any aspect of the platform, including services, features, and content, at its sole discretion and without prior notice to users. This includes the modification or removal of content, features, or functionalities, as well as changes to the terms of this disclaimer and user agreement.

4.2 Intellectual Property Rights
All content on EmoEx, including text, graphics, logos, and images, as well as the software and algorithms used to generate interactions and content, are the property of EmoEx or its content suppliers and protected by international copyright and intellectual property laws. Users are granted a limited license to access and use EmoEx for personal, non-commercial purposes as outlined in this agreement.

4.3 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This disclaimer and user agreement, and any disputes arising from or related to the terms herein or the use of the EmoEx platform, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule. By using EmoEx, users consent to the jurisdiction and venue of courts in New Zealand for the resolution of all disputes related to this agreement and the use of the platform.

4.4 Entire Agreement
This disclaimer and user agreement constitute the entire agreement between the user and EmoEx regarding the use of the platform, superseding all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between the user and EmoEx.

5. User Conduct

5.1 Responsible Use: Users agree to engage with EmoEx in a manner that is respectful, lawful, and in accordance with these terms. This includes refraining from using the platform to disseminate harmful, offensive, or inappropriate content.

5.2 Prohibited Activities: The use of EmoEx for illegal activities, harassment, infringement on others' privacy, or any action that could impair the functionality or security of the platform is strictly prohibited. Users found violating these policies may be subject to account termination and legal action.

6. Data Privacy and Security

6.1 Personal Information: EmoEx is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its users' personal information. The platform processes data collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which outlines our practices regarding data collection, use, and sharing.

6.2 Consent to Data Use: By using EmoEx, users consent to the collection and use of their data as described in the Privacy Policy. Users have the right to access, modify, and delete their personal information, subject to certain conditions.

7. Acceptance of Terms

7.1 Agreement to Terms: By accessing and using EmoEx, users signify their acceptance of this Disclaimer and User Agreement. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing the platform.

7.2 Modifications to Terms: EmoEx reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Continued use of the platform after such modifications signifies your acceptance of the revised terms.

7.3 Termination: EmoEx may terminate your access to the platform without notice in the event of a breach of these terms.

8. Conclusion

EmoEx aims to support your journey towards improved emotional and physical well-being. We believe in fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all users. By agreeing to this Disclaimer and User Agreement, you are joining us in this commitment. We welcome you to EmoEx and look forward to being a part of your well-being journey.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding this agreement or the use of EmoEx, please contact our support team through the platform's contact section or email us at

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