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EmoEx Privacy Policy

Effective Date:1 November 2023


Welcome to EmoEx. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy outlines the type of information we collect, how it is used, and the measures we take to ensure your data remains private and secure.


Information We Collect

a. Personal Data: We may ask for certain personal details like email and/or phone number, which are used exclusively for account management, authentication, and password retrieval purposes.

b. Demographic Information: We collect non-specific data such as gender and age bracket. This is solely for refining and enhancing the user experience on our platform.

c. Situational and Emotional Keywords: For the purpose of performance enhancement, we may collect keywords relating to emotional and situational contexts from conversations with EmoEx Bot. No personal data is collected in this process.

d. Exclusions: We do not collect any biometric data, including but not limited to real name, medical records, physical address, or financial records.


How We Use Your Information

a. Enhance User Experience: The demographic information (gender and age bracket) we gather is used for data-informed refinements of the user experience. This helps us make EmoEx more attuned to the varied needs of our diverse user base.

b. Account Management: Your email and/or phone number is utilised exclusively for password retrieval and account management functions, ensuring that you can recover or manage your account securely.


App Permissions and Data Access



To provide a seamless and personalised experience, EmoEx requests permissions to access certain functionalities of your device, such as the microphone, photo library, camera, and Face ID. This section aims to elaborate on why these permissions are necessary and how they are used.



We request access to your device's microphone to facilitate audio input for conversations with your EmoEx buddy. The use of the microphone is limited to capturing audio data required for this functionality and is not used for any other purpose.


Photo Library and Camera

Access to your photo library is requested for two main purposes:

  1. To allow you to choose existing photos as your EmoEx profile picture.

  2. To facilitate the download and storage of your FeelLog photos, which capture significant emotional milestones or insights generated within the EmoEx App.

Camera access is requested for those who wish to take a new photo for their profile. EmoEx does not access your photo library or camera for any other reasons and only stores photos related to your use of the app. By downloading FeelLog photos, they will be saved in your device's photo library for your personal reference and use.


Face ID

For enhanced security, EmoEx offers an option to utilise Face ID authentication to log you back into the app after a period of inactivity. This feature is solely to verify the identity of the user and to provide an additional layer of security. EmoEx does not store your facial recognition data; it is processed on your device.


Data Security

The data collected through these permissions is encrypted and securely stored in compliance with industry best practices. EmoEx abides by its overarching privacy policy to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.


User Consent

By using the EmoEx App, you agree to grant these permissions for the purposes outlined above. You have the option to revoke these permissions at any time through your device settings, although doing so may limit the functionalities available to you within the app.


Data Storage & Security

a. Conversation Storage & Accessibility: While we prioritise your privacy, user conversations with the EmoEx Bot are stored on secure cloud storage. This storage is uniquely designed so that only the user has access to their conversation history. Once your session concludes, EmoEx's backend retains no trace of the exchange; all details are exclusively available to you via your secure cloud access.

b. Data Security: We employ state-of-the-art encryption and security practices to ensure that your data is protected and safeguarded from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.


No Third-party Sharing

We pledge that no user data, whether personal or conversation-related, will ever be shared with third-party entities. EmoEx does not engage in selling, renting, or trading user data for commercial purposes or any other activities that contravene the promises made in this policy.


Amendments to the Privacy Policy

Occasionally, we may update this policy to reflect changes to our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Users will be notified of any significant changes, and continued use of the platform following any modifications signifies acceptance of those changes.


Contact Us

For more information about our privacy practices, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at


By using EmoEx, you consent to the collection and use of information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We encourage users to frequently check this page for any updates to stay informed about how we are safeguarding the personal information we collect.

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